Training Programs for NLP, Hypnosis,
Hypnotherapy, Hypnotherapist, Coaching, Facilitation, Subconscious
Projection & Healing by Dr. Keith To

The Excel
Keith To's
Training Programs
We do not train, we
develop! We do not help you, we help you to help more
people helping themselves!

Schools of Systemic Development of NLP, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Coaching & Facilitation Training
Providing Quality Learning & Training Programs Since
Our Principle
world is already too complicated, we do not need more complicated
webpages. We make our webpages and training programs as simple as possible!
不是聆聽訓練,也不是聽力培訓,更不是發音課程! 而是...以聲音來擴展思維頻譜的獨特修練!
6 2024
正式退休前/教學生涯的 最後課程:
Keith To 小弟,而是
Keys To;但這個課程卻不是談這條鑰匙,而是探究小弟尋覓這條鑰匙過程中的體會,這些體會,或會有助你找到屬於你自己的萬能鑰匙。
開課日期:Q3 2024
2024 年 Keith
To 最新課程預覽!
2022 年中起,小弟開始半退休兩年,期間只舉辦曾承諾及小弟極想舉辦的課程,數量只有小弟課程數目高峰期的四份一;兩年以後,小弟正式退休。
卓越中心由 8 個不同的『學院』組成,每一個學院照顧你不同的學習需要,來助你提升自己,以及他人的人生、事業、經營;我們只是一所規模極小的學習機構,全校只得一名培訓導師,就是本人-陶兆輝,Keith To。
在二十多年前已經在講授這些科目? 自 1996 年以來,他已培訓了數千位身心語言程序學執行師、高階 NLP 執行師、催眠治療師、註冊教練及認可輔引師呢?
就是小弟,先此聲明,小弟不是什麼專家,更不是什麼大師,只是對這些課題,有興趣得比較早一點時間而已;小弟也沒有能力教你什麼,只是促進你自行發現而矣;而你得到的資格,也不是什麼一流學歷,而只是一點點的二、三流資格而矣;你願意與小弟這一名,還算是僅有一小點聲譽的培訓師,一同學習 NLP、催眠學、催眠治療學、教練學、輔引學呢?
All the programs are done in Chinese Cantonese!
1. The Institute of NLP
簡單來說,身心語言程序學研究的是人的主觀思維過程,她既不是心理學,更不是心理治療,心理學研究的是更廣泛的思維過程、內容、傾向、病態等等,因此,你絕不能學了 NLP 之後,就能成為心理學家或心理治療師!
那樣,學習身心語言程序學有什麼用? 通過瞭解自己或他人的思維過程,從而改進自己或他人的思維,思維提升了,行為及其引致的結果,自然能夠改進。
NLP is the art of
helping people in absorbing external information and handling internal
information to gain extra knowledge to achieve
your Excellence.
In 2022, we are in our
24th years in providing quality NLP training to
people in Hong Kong. We co-organize with the
Institute of Mental
Technology to offer you one of the best NLP Trainings in
Hong Kong.
NLP is the art of Excellence. The
most misunderstood aspect about NLP is that NLP is not NLP Skills. You
can use any suitable NLP Skill to improve, but you can never really
excel by NLP Skills. We can excel by using NLP but not the skills. NLP
Skills are the products of NLP. There are thousands of them and nobody
can learn them all.
Real NLP is about thinking and modeling!
Only thinkers who think before acting and modelers who understand how
things happen & how others succeeded and failed can excel their own
lives. It is what we teach in our NLP training programs.
provide both NLP
Practitioner and
NLP Master
Practitioner Training in strict accordance to the training
requirement of the International
Neuro-Linguistic Programming Association. But we exceed their
requirement and you are going to learn much more!
Why both NLP Training programs last for 1 full
year? We simply do not agree that a shorter course (several days)
can make you learn the same as a full year course. It is not a short-cut
to you, but only to the trainers. A shorter course only makes the
trainers' lives easier and more profitable!
Our NLP Practitioner
Training Program is a 128-Hours training program, ensuring you learn the
most during the year. If you want a 5-days or 7-days "accelerated" NLP
program, go somewhere else. We are only for those who want to invest
their time (but not their money) and effort to learn NLP
One interesting fact you can easily see in our
workshops is that there are many other NLP
Trainers studying in our training programs to enrich
their true understanding of NLP. We do not train NLP Trainers, but NLP
Trainers graduated from other schools come to us for more learning.
Unlike many other NLP trainers in Hong Kong, I do not conduct
any NLP Trainer's Program. I am qualified to certify as many trainers as
I wish, but I do not buy this concept of producing NLP Trainers.
I believe a NLP Trainer should be a Master NLP Practitioner,
practicing NLP for many years, fully understand what NLP is and how NLP
can be used for excellence. NLP Trainer's Training is Optional to these people, but not as a
Replacement for actual Life
If you are not sure whether NLP really suits your
needs, you can enroll our yearly 10-hours free program, the NLP
Essentials to get some first-handed
Click Here for
more details.
on NLP. Keith
To 撰寫的 NLP文章
2. The Institute of
Hypnosis 催眠治療學
Hypnosis is the
induction of an altered state of consciousness to bypass the critical
factor of our mind, thus allowing hypnotic suggestions to be effective
in rectifying clients' situation.
Altered state of consciousness
is nothing mystic. It is just a mental state of high degree of focusing.
Hypnotherapy is helping clients to understand
the sources of their problems to gain extra
knowledge of their own solutions created by themselves.
We started
training hypnotherapists since 1997 when Hypnosis
& Hypnotherapy is still something totally strange & new to many
of the people in Hong Kong. We are the very first school who started to
train hypnotherapists when most of the other trainers still had not yet
learned how to hypnotize!
Your trainer, Dr. Keith is the first
trainer who introduced internationally certified hypnotherapist programs
into Hong Kong. Dr, Keith is also the advisory board member of both the
Professional Board of Hypnotherapy
(Canada) and the General Hypnotherapy Standards
Council (UK).
You are going to learn Professional
Hypnotherapy in the most professional manner - a year-long, 100-hours
intensive training program. If the only thing you want is just a certificate, go
somewhere else. Many schools can give you 5 different certificates in
just a 5-days' training.
We offer the Certified
Hypnotherapist and Certified
Master Hypnotherapist Training Programs. Both hypnotherapy
training programs are internationally recognized by major professional
bodies in the world.
The most important part of our hypnosis
training is not about recognitions (though we have 4 international hypnotherapy
bodies recognizing our programs). It is about what you
can learn from our programs. It is about whether you can really
hypnotize to help others upon graduation. It is about your competence
level and your confidence level in applying hypnosis & hypnotherapy.
Our mission is to deliver more, much more than any other similar
hypnosis training programs, in a much greater depth, but at a less, far
less course fee.
If you find that what we taught is less than
other similar training programs, I promise
to pay back your investment out of my own pocket. This
is a guarantee! (Don't ask my co-organizer, St. James Settlement for
money back. They use the money for providing various kinds of social
services to people in need.)
In our training programs, you are
going to learn more than just some hypnotic skills and knowledge, but a
complete Hypnotherapy
System to apply all your skills and
knowledge to help others. The System can train you knowing when to use
which skill, what is your next step, how to heal a person from the
source of the problem, and where to intervene for the best result by
You will learn our unique SOBER
Systems in the
Hypnotherapist Program, and the Systemic Systems in
the Master
Hypnotherapist Program.
BTW, we only teach
hypnotherapy, but not Stage-Hypnosis. You are NOT going to learn any impressive tricks
to make yourself look great in front of others. You are
going to learn how to control others. You are NOT going to learn how to take advantages
of others. Hypnotherapy is NOT
manipulation. We are therapists teaching therapists therapy!
Click Here
for more details.
on Hypnosis. Keith To撰寫的催眠治療學文章.
3. The Institute of Coaching
Coaching is helping others clarifying
their own misunderstandings & blind spots to gain extra
knowledge about themselves and about their own problems
& situations.
Coaching is the leading
people-helping and management skills of the 21st century!
Coaching is NOT better than any other helping and
management skills. Sometimes it can be the least effective one. Coaching is facilitating
others' to uncover their own solutions and answers through proper
thinking by themselves. This makes Coaching a good or bad way to help.
This can take lots of time but they are not wasted. The answers
the coachees find by themselves are usually the best-fit solutions as
nobody have a clearer view of their own situations than
What a coach do is simply guiding the coachee through
the process of Self-Awareness and help them to help themselves to
clarify their own Misunderstandings.
The Institute of Coaching
trains you to be a Registered Personal
Coach, Registered
Career Coach,
Registered Life Coach, Registered Life Coach,
Registered Executive Coach. All programs are offered only once a year or once 3 to
4 years. Don't miss it.
No matter which coaching program you are going to learn, you will master how to helping others mastering their
Our highest
qualification of Coach Designation Training, the
Developmental Coach Program
is a very demanding, but fruitful
program for
those who wants advanced understanding and skills level of coaching.
If you are new to coaching, you can start to learn many useful
and in-depth knowledge & techniques in our Foundation
Certification Course - Coaching Excellence Program or
Coaching Essentials.
We train more coaches than anyone
else in Hong Kong since 2000!
Click Here for
more details.
on Coaching. Keith To撰寫的Coaching文章
4. The Institute of
Facilitation 專業輔引學
Facilitation is
helping others knowing where the knowledge is to gain extra
knowledge to do things easier &
Facilitation is the art and techniques of
making things easier and
faster. You will be trained to facilitate Personal or
Business Development. You learn how to turn a "group" into a
"team" and how to help your clients and your own people
creating Synergy.
Facilitation is different from coaching. Coaching is a
pure form of discovery by clients while Facilitation guides clients in a
direction of easier and faster achieving. Both are the skills of the
21st Century!
You can start your
learning path to become a facilitator by taking our Certified
Facilitator Training Program Step 1 - the Associate Facilitator Designation
Program. The next Program is scheduled in mid 2022. We only conduct this program once every 3 years.
This program is approved by the FacilitatorU in the
United States.
Step 2, the final step of Certified
Facilitator Training Program will be conducted again in late 2019! Upon graduation, you
will be certified as Certified Facilitator by the
internationally well-known facilitation training organization, the
FacilitatorU. You must completed our
Associate Facilitator Designation
Program before you can enroll
this final step
of international certification.
Or you can choose our
Registered Personal Development
Facilitator Program to learn how to facilitate others developing
themselves. You are going to make others life easier by letting them
seeing clearing their own life in the past, present and future.
Click Here
for more details.
on Facilitation. Keith To撰寫的輔引學文章
5. The Institute of
Systemic Development 合整式發展學
Development is
totally different from Improvement. Improvement can be just becoming
bigger, faster, easier, and better.
is promoting you operating at a completely new and higher level by
gaining extra information of the upper
levels. In the upper level, you are not
facing the same weaknesses, threats and competitions as before. Result
is dramatic improvement.
You are going to use the Systemic
Thinking to accomplish the kind of development you never think
We are teaching both Systemic Thinking and
Developmentalism in our programs.
Systemic Thinking is the
Metascopic, Macroscopic, Microscopic & Telescopic Sensing of
information to gain the Overall Whole, Big Picture but Detailed
Developmentalism is the
study of development, of people and of
You can start with our
basic program of Systemic Thinking
Course. Then, you can beef up your systemic thinking
capability through our advanced program of Systemic Thinking Course Level 2. Or
you can gain insights of applying systemic thinking in business from our
Business Designer Program.
For Personal Development,
you can learn how to Fail Smart with the Unlimited Failures 2010
The Institute of Systemic Development
launched our most advanced program of Developmental
Dynamics in 2009. This is one of our core programs that
helps you develop your business and yourself through 4
Near-Universal Models I have never disclosed! The program will
be conducted again in 2017. Our new advanced program, the Developmental
Dynamics 2 will also be done in 2017!
Therapy, one of the most systemic intervention skills-set being applied
in therapeutic setting. Dr. Milton Erickson helped his patients through
a Systemic Frame of Mind. Without such systemic frame, people thinks
that his work is miraculous, but actually very rational.
You can
learn the "magics" of Dr. Erickson with our Foundation Ericksonian
Therapy Program and Advanced
Ericksonian Therapy Program.
For personal
development, you will be benefited much from our new Personal
Conversion Program.
You can get some information
here. Further details will be announced later
on Systemic Thinking. Keith To撰寫的合整式思維文章
6. The Institute of
Influence 潛意識影嚮學
This is a totally different
institute from the above five. You can help others by either assisting them discovering what they are
not usually aware of, or by influencing them to take right
To be effective in
influencing, you must firstly gain extra
information of how others think!
The first 5 institutes focus on Discovery while the Institute of
Influence completes the Spectrum of Intervention by acquiring you with
the powerful Hypno-Influencing
Techniques. You can influence others!
Hypno-Influencing Techniques are abnormal kind of communication. You are
going to persuade others' Subconscious Minds. They are not aware of the
fact that you are influencing them. They think that they are making
their own decisions. This is a world of NO
rejection and objection!
You can learn all five
of our Hypno-Influencing Techniques - Hypno-Communication, Hypno-Selling,
Mental Affecting Points & the Level 3
Level 3
Secrets of Influencing - the highest level of persuasion
secrets in the world! Already completed on Aug 18
2007. >20 smart people paid HK$10,800 to learn all the Level 3 Secrets
in one single day. This might be done again in 2017, or 2018.
on Influencing. Keith To撰寫的潛意識影嚮學文章
7. The Institute of
Subconscious Projection 潛意識投射學
Subconscious Projection is a series of techniques to help others and yourself to
gain extra
information about what's really inside your
subconscious mind, that is, what do you really
Most of us operates at the
surface level of our mind. As a result, internal conflicts, hesitations,
regrets, panics, frustrations are so common! Understanding oneself is
the single most important force in breaking the barriers to
We are teaching 4 powerful forms of
projection techniques, Subconscious
Reengineering, Handwriting
Analysis, Personality
Typology and Dream
Personality Typology is one of our advanced programs which
had been conducted in 2010 and 2014. We will do this again in 2018!
In our coming new Subconscious Projector
Program, you are going to learn many other forms of
subconscious projection techniques, which are rarely known, but highly
insightful! This program is scheduled in
on Subconscious Projection. Keith To撰寫的潛意識投射學文章
on Personality Typology.
Keith To撰寫的性格分類學文章
8. The Institute of Healing
Healing is different
from Curing. Curing is about physical body problems while healing is
about the condition for effective curing. One of the most influential
condition for curing is emotions. Any chronic physical or mental problem
is having an emotional factor underneath the symptoms. Without resolving
the emotional factor, curing is difficult.
The Institute of
Healing equips you with a series of techniques to help
others and yourself to gain extra
information about your emotions, your body and
your mind. This extra information releases you from the dead-locks of
emotions between your body & mind!
Doctors and other medical
experts are responsible for curing while we are responsible for our own
healing. We speed up their works if we look after our healing properly.
You can learn
to promote health and recovery by using the Body-Mind Connections from
our 1-Year, 7-Modules Body-Mind Therapy
Certification Program. This certification program will only
be done once 6 to 7 years. Our last intake was Sept 2010. We will do it
again in 2017.
In daily life, we will encounter occasions which
demand our interventions. It can be when ourselves or others need a
quick diversion from problemic thinking to ensure a healthy living,
harmonic relationship, or optimistic decision. Our new Rapid
Mental Interventionist Program will prepare you for such
kinds of quick interventions.
We have developed a new program -
Life Beyond Death 超生學, which is about how to live a
better health and a better life. This new program had be done in 2013.
We might do this again in the future.
on Healing. Keith To撰寫的健康回復學文章
Email Keith To at ask@keithto.com
for enquiry and visit Keith's
Website to get more free personal and business development
Information: ask@keithto.com
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Keith To
The Institute of Mental
Training Programs of Keith To (Chinese)
Training Programs / Training Courses offered by
the Excel Centre & Keith To / 陶兆輝 in Hong
NLP | Neuro-Linguistic
Programming | Hypnosis | Hypnotherapy | Hypnotherapist | Coaching |
Business Coaching | Corporate Coaching | Personal Coaching | Career
Coaching | Facilitation | Body Mind Therapy | Influencing | Persuasion |
Subconscious Projection | Handwriting Analysis | Personality Typology |
Communication | Body Language | Systemic Thinking | Dream Analysis |
Personal Development | Business Development | Creativity | Healing | Rapid
Mental Intervention | Ericksonian Therapy | 身心語言程序學 | 催眠 | 催眠治療學 | 催眠治療師課程
| 身心治療學 | 教練學 | 輔引學 | 商業教練 | 企業教練 | 個人發展教練 | 事業教練 | 說服學 | 筆跡分析學 | 性格形態學 |
身體語言 | 溝通 | 解夢 | 個人發展 | 商業發展 | 創意| 健康回復學 | 心智速介學 | 艾克森治療學
NLP Practitioner | Master NLP Practitioner
| Certified Hypnotherapist | Master Hypnotherapist | Master Ericksonian
Hypnotherapist | Registered Corporate Coach | Registered Personal Coach |
Registered Career Coach | Registered Life Coach | Certified Professional
Coach | Certified Master Coach | Associate Facilitator | Certified
Facilitator | 身心語言程序學執行師 | 高階身心語言程序學執行師 | 註冊催眠治療師 | 高階註冊催眠治療師 | 高階艾克森催眠治療師
| 註冊企業教練 | 註冊個人發展教練 | 註冊事業發展教練 | 註冊人生教練 | 認證專業教練 | 高階認證專業教練 | 認證發展教練 |
認證輔引師 | 協和輔引師