Training Programs for NLP, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Hypnotherapist, Coaching & Facilitation by
Dr. Keith To


The Excel Centre
Keith To's Training Program

We do not train, we develop people!
We do not help you, we help you to help more people helping themselves!


Our Principle

The world is already too complicated, we do not need more complicated webpages.
We make our web pages and training programs as simple as possible!


1. 第十九年度:身心語言程序學執行師課程

2. 第十七年度:註冊催眠治療師課程

3. 第十六年度:註冊企業教練資格課程 Corporate Coach Designation Program

4. 三年一度 第六屆:高階催眠治療師課程

5. 兩年只辦一次:輔引師資格課程 Facilitator Program


7. 更多陶兆輝課程

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The Institute of Mental Technology

令你開心快樂的網頁 (放心,不是廣告)

Training Programs of Dr. Keith To (Chinese)

Email Dr. Keith To at ask@keithto.com for enquiry and visit Dr. Keith's Website to get more free personal and business development information.

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Training Programs / Training Courses offered by the Excel Centre & Dr. Keith To / 陶兆輝博士 in Hong Kong:
NLP | Neuro-Linguistic Programming | Hypnosis | Hypnotherapy | Hypnotherapist | Coaching | Business Coaching | Corporate Coaching | Personal Coaching | Career Coaching | Facilitation | Body Mind Therapy | Influencing | Persuasion | Subconscious Projection | Handwriting Analysis | Personality Typology | Communication | Body Language | Systemic Thinking | Dream Analysis | Personal Development | Business Development | Creativity | Healing | Rapid Mental Intervention | 身心語言程序學 | 催眠 | 催眠治療學 | 催眠治療師課程 | 身心治療學 | 教練學 | 輔引學 | 商業教練 | 企業教練 | 個人發展教練 | 事業教練 | 說服學 | 筆跡分析學 | 性格形態學 | 身體語言 | 溝通 | 解夢 | 個人發展 | 商業發展 | 創意| 健康回復 | 心智速介學

NLP Practitioner | Master NLP Practitioner | Certified Hypnotherapist | Master Hypnotherapist | Registered Corporate Coach | Registered Personal Coach | Registered Career Coach | Certified Professional Coach | Certified Master Coach | Associate Facilitator | Certifed Facilitator | 身心語言程序學執行師 | 高階身心語言程序學執行師 | 註冊催眠治療師 | 高階註冊催眠治療師 | 註冊企業教練 | 註冊個人發展教練 | 註冊事業發展教練 | 認證專業教練 | 高階認證專業教練 | 認證發展教練 | 認證輔引師 | 協和輔引師