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Dr. Keith To's Program

We do not train, we develop people!
We do not help you, we help you to help more people helping themselves!

Institute of Subconscious Projection

We design programs to let you truly understanding yourself!

You can also learn how to help others to understand themsleves at the same time!

Both the Level 1 & 2 of the Professional Handwriting Analysis Program & the Subconscious Reengineering Program had already been done in 2008. We will not do them again in 2009. I am sorry to say that they will be conducted again earliest in 2010!

The only program remaining in 2008 is our Dream Yoga Program, our core program in Scientific Dream Interpretation. However, it is already fully filled, with over 130 persons registered! If you want to be on our waiting list, email me at

The following 2 Subconscious Projection training programs are arranged in 2009:

1. Fate Reengineering

This might be the last time we conduct this program. Date is not confirmed yet. In this seminar, you are going to learn both the Enneagram & MBTI in very great depth!

You are going to master them within 14 hours of very intensive training.

More Details

2. Systemic Personality Typology

Level 2 of the Fate Reengineering Program.

It is more than just Personality Typology. You are using Typology as a Development Tool and pave your path to Individuation!

Next Workshop: 2009


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